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“Enjoy yourself. These are the good old days you're going to miss in the years ahead.”

"If I died, I give a permission to my friends to change my status ‘Is chilling with God’.”

"My mother had a great deal of trouble with me, but I think she enjoyed it.”

“A mother is a person who seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie.”

“Who ran to help me when I fell, and would tell some pretty stories or kiss my wound to make it well?
...My mother.”

“A father will understand. He has a little girl. She looks up to him. He’s her hero. And then the day comes when his daughter gets her first permanent wave and goes to her first real party, and from that day on, he’s in a constant state of panic.”

“Whoever a daughter grows up to be, she is always, for a father, his little girl in pigtails.”

Friday, May 21, 2010

Identical Twins

What are identical twins?
A general stereotype about identical twins is that they are clones. They act alike, look alike, and are expected to be "identical." However, the term identical twins actually refers to a type of twinning, and describes how they form, not what they look like.

The correct term for identical twinning is monozygotic. Monozygotic twins form from a single (mono) fertilized egg (zygote). The zygote splits into two parts after conception, resulting in the development of two individual embryos. Because the two embryos are the result of a single egg/sperm combination, they have the same genetic origins. They have the same DNA.
Dizygotic twins (often referred to as fraternal), are the result of two eggs fertilized by two separate sperm. Although most women only release a single egg in an ovulation cycle, sometimes multiples eggs are released. Dizygotic twins share about 50% of their genetic traits, the same as any other siblings born at different times.

Some interesting facts about identical twins:

  • The causes of monozygotic twinning are generally unknown and unidentified. No one really knows why an egg splits; technically it's a malfunction of the normal development process.
  • There's no hereditary trait that influences a predisposition to having identical twins. Identical twins do not run in families. Although there are families with a high incidence of identical twins, it is due to chance, coincidence or plain good luck.
  • Identical twins represent about a third of all twins. Dizygotic twins are twice as common as monozygotic.
  • Birth rate statistics for identical twinning have remained stable over the years, despite the overall increase in twins and multiples since the late 1980's. The odds of having identical twins is about 3 in 1,000, whereas the birthrate for all twins is about 32.2 in 1,000.
  • Identical twinning is not generally influenced by fertility-enhancing treatments like drugs or in vitro, although monozygotic twins have been produced in pregnancies that were the result of such treatments.
  • Birth rates for identical twins are consistent across populations; it is the same regardless of race, geography or maternal age.

    Frequently Asked Questions About Identical Twins

    What are semi-identical twins?

    A new type of twinning was identified in 2007.

    Are identical twins hereditary?

    Why are identical twins different?
    Despite their shared gene set, identical twins are unique individuals. No two individuals are exactly alike.
    Do identical twins always share a placenta during pregnancy?
    No, this is a myth. Even many doctors will mistakenly identify twins as fraternal because there are two placentas. It depends on when the egg splits. If it is early enough, the two embryos will implant separately in the uterus and develop individual placentas. If the split occurs later, they may share a placenta.
    What are the medical concerns for identical twins in twin pregnancy?
    Some types of monozygotic twins do experience conditions which put them at risk during pregnancy. Twins who share a placenta may be at risk for Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome. "Mo-Mo" twins (monochorionic / monoamnionic) are contained in a single amniotic sac, and their umbilical cords may become entangled and compressed.
    How can you tell if twins are identical or not?
    You can't necessarily tell by looking. Although many identical twins share a physical resemblance, so do many dizygotic (fraternal) twins). Clues to zygosity can be revealed in many ways.
    Do identical twins have identical fingerprints?
    Many people wonder whether fingerprinting can be used to distinguish between two twins who look remarkably alike.
    Can identical twins be different genders?
    The short answer is no. Identical twins are either two girls or two boys. The longer answer is that there is a very rare exception to this rule that involves a chromosomal defect.
    Can there be identical triplets or higher order multiples?
    Do identical twins have ESP?
    Many people believe that identical twins share a special connection, including the ability to read each other's minds.
    Do identical twins have their own secret language?
    Twin talk? Or baby babble? Terms such as idioglossia, autonomous language or cryptophasia describe the phenomenon of twin language, a fascinating concept that has intrigued researchers and parents alike.

    Frequently Asked Questions About Parenting Identical Twins

    How can you tell them apart if they are identical?

    While many identical twins do look alike, they're not necessarily indistinguishable. Physical cues like hairstyle, arrangement of moles or freckles and their unique expressions or gestures provide clues to their identity. Here are some tips for helping others tell twins apart.

    Should identical twins be in the same class at school? 
    Every parent should work with their school to determine the optimal classroom placement for their children. It can be a difficult decision.
    Should identical twins have the same friends?
    With a similar genetic background, many identical twins find that they have the same preferences for establishing relationships. They may share many of the same friends. But all twins should be encouraged as individuals, and given opportunities to develop relationships as such.
    Should identical twins share a room?
    Every family has to decide this issue based on their individual circumstances.
    Should identical twins dress alike?
    Distinguishing clothing definitely makes it easier to tell twins apart if they look alike.
    How do you encourage identical twins to be individuals?
    It's important for parents of twins to encourage their children's individuality.

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